Class yii\base\Module

Inheritanceyii\base\Module » yii\di\ServiceLocator » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
Subclassesyii\base\Application, yii\console\Application, yii\debug\Module, yii\gii\Module, yii\web\Application
Available since version2.0
Source Code

Module is the base class for module and application classes.

A module represents a sub-application which contains MVC elements by itself, such as models, views, controllers, etc.

A module may consist of sub-modules.

Components may be registered with the module so that they are globally accessible within the module.

For more details and usage information on Module, see the guide article on modules.

Public Properties

Hide inherited properties

Property Type Description Defined By
$aliases array List of path aliases to be defined. yii\base\Module
$basePath string The root directory of the module. yii\base\Module
$behaviors yii\base\Behavior[] List of behaviors attached to this component. yii\base\Component
$components array The list of the component definitions or the loaded component instances (ID => definition or instance). yii\di\ServiceLocator
$controllerMap array Mapping from controller ID to controller configurations. yii\base\Module
$controllerNamespace string|null The namespace that controller classes are in. yii\base\Module
$controllerPath string The directory that contains the controller classes. yii\base\Module
$defaultRoute string The default route of this module. yii\base\Module
$id string An ID that uniquely identifies this module among other modules which have the same parent. yii\base\Module
$layout string|boolean|null The layout that should be applied for views within this module. yii\base\Module
$layoutPath string The root directory of layout files. yii\base\Module
$module yii\base\Module|null The parent module of this module. yii\base\Module
$modules array The modules (indexed by their IDs). yii\base\Module
$params array Custom module parameters (name => value). yii\base\Module
$uniqueId string The unique ID of the module. yii\base\Module
$version string The version of this module. yii\base\Module
$viewPath string The root directory of view files. yii\base\Module

Public Methods

Hide inherited methods

Method Description Defined By
__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. yii\base\Component
__clone() This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. yii\base\Component
__construct() Constructor. yii\base\Module
__get() Getter magic method. yii\di\ServiceLocator
__isset() Checks if a property value is null. yii\di\ServiceLocator
__set() Sets the value of a component property. yii\base\Component
__unset() Sets a component property to be null. yii\base\Component
afterAction() This method is invoked right after an action within this module is executed. yii\base\Module
attachBehavior() Attaches a behavior to this component. yii\base\Component
attachBehaviors() Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. yii\base\Component
beforeAction() This method is invoked right before an action within this module is executed. yii\base\Module
behaviors() Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. yii\base\Component
canGetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. yii\base\Component
canSetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. yii\base\Component
className() Returns the fully qualified name of this class. yii\base\BaseObject
clear() Removes the component from the locator. yii\di\ServiceLocator
createController() Creates a controller instance based on the given route. yii\base\Module
createControllerByID() Creates a controller based on the given controller ID. yii\base\Module
detachBehavior() Detaches a behavior from the component. yii\base\Component
detachBehaviors() Detaches all behaviors from the component. yii\base\Component
ensureBehaviors() Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. yii\base\Component
get() Returns the component instance with the specified ID. yii\base\Module
getBasePath() Returns the root directory of the module. yii\base\Module
getBehavior() Returns the named behavior object. yii\base\Component
getBehaviors() Returns all behaviors attached to this component. yii\base\Component
getComponents() Returns the list of the component definitions or the loaded component instances. yii\di\ServiceLocator
getControllerPath() Returns the directory that contains the controller classes according to $controllerNamespace. yii\base\Module
getInstance() Returns the currently requested instance of this module class. yii\base\Module
getLayoutPath() Returns the directory that contains layout view files for this module. yii\base\Module
getModule() Retrieves the child module of the specified ID. yii\base\Module
getModules() Returns the sub-modules in this module. yii\base\Module
getUniqueId() Returns an ID that uniquely identifies this module among all modules within the current application. yii\base\Module
getVersion() Returns current module version. yii\base\Module
getViewPath() Returns the directory that contains the view files for this module. yii\base\Module
has() Returns a value indicating whether the locator has the specified component definition or has instantiated the component. yii\base\Module
hasEventHandlers() Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. yii\base\Component
hasMethod() Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. yii\base\Component
hasModule() Checks whether the child module of the specified ID exists. yii\base\Module
hasProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. yii\base\Component
init() Initializes the module. yii\base\Module
off() Detaches an existing event handler from this component. yii\base\Component
on() Attaches an event handler to an event. yii\base\Component
runAction() Runs a controller action specified by a route. yii\base\Module
set() Registers a component definition with this locator. yii\di\ServiceLocator
setAliases() Defines path aliases. yii\base\Module
setBasePath() Sets the root directory of the module. yii\base\Module
setComponents() Registers a set of component definitions in this locator. yii\di\ServiceLocator
setControllerPath() Sets the directory that contains the controller classes. yii\base\Module
setInstance() Sets the currently requested instance of this module class. yii\base\Module
setLayoutPath() Sets the directory that contains the layout files. yii\base\Module
setModule() Adds a sub-module to this module. yii\base\Module
setModules() Registers sub-modules in the current module. yii\base\Module
setVersion() Sets current module version. yii\base\Module
setViewPath() Sets the directory that contains the view files. yii\base\Module
trigger() Triggers an event. yii\base\Component

Protected Methods

Hide inherited methods

Method Description Defined By
defaultVersion() Returns default module version. yii\base\Module


Hide inherited events

Event Type Description Defined By
EVENT_AFTER_ACTION yii\base\ActionEvent An event raised after executing a controller action. yii\base\Module
EVENT_BEFORE_ACTION yii\base\ActionEvent An event raised before executing a controller action. yii\base\Module

Property Details

Hide inherited properties

$aliases public property

List of path aliases to be defined. The array keys are alias names (must start with @) and the array values are the corresponding paths or aliases. See setAliases() for an example.

public array $aliases null
$basePath public property

The root directory of the module.

public string $basePath null
$controllerMap public property

Mapping from controller ID to controller configurations. Each name-value pair specifies the configuration of a single controller. A controller configuration can be either a string or an array. If the former, the string should be the fully qualified class name of the controller. If the latter, the array must contain a class element which specifies the controller's fully qualified class name, and the rest of the name-value pairs in the array are used to initialize the corresponding controller properties. For example,

  'account' => 'app\controllers\UserController',
  'article' => [
     'class' => 'app\controllers\PostController',
     'pageTitle' => 'something new',
public array $controllerMap = []
$controllerNamespace public property

The namespace that controller classes are in. This namespace will be used to load controller classes by prepending it to the controller class name.

If not set, it will use the controllers sub-namespace under the namespace of this module. For example, if the namespace of this module is foo\bar, then the default controller namespace would be foo\bar\controllers.

See also the guide section on autoloading to learn more about defining namespaces and how classes are loaded.

$controllerPath public property

The directory that contains the controller classes.

public string $controllerPath null
$defaultRoute public property

The default route of this module. Defaults to default. The route may consist of child module ID, controller ID, and/or action ID. For example, help, post/create, admin/post/create. If action ID is not given, it will take the default value as specified in yii\base\Controller::$defaultAction.

public string $defaultRoute 'default'
$id public property

An ID that uniquely identifies this module among other modules which have the same parent.

public string $id null
$layout public property

The layout that should be applied for views within this module. This refers to a view name relative to $layoutPath. If this is not set, it means the layout value of the parent module will be taken. If this is false, layout will be disabled within this module.

public string|boolean|null $layout null
$layoutPath public property

The root directory of layout files. Defaults to "$viewPath/layouts".

public string $layoutPath null
$module public property

The parent module of this module. null if this module does not have a parent.

$modules public property

The modules (indexed by their IDs).

public array $modules null
$params public property

Custom module parameters (name => value).

public array $params = []
$uniqueId public property

The unique ID of the module.

public string $uniqueId null
$version public property

The version of this module. Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter. See getVersion() and setVersion() for details.

public string $version null
$viewPath public property

The root directory of view files. Defaults to "$basePath/views".

public string $viewPath null

Method Details

Hide inherited methods

__call() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__call()

Calls the named method which is not a class method.

This method will check if any attached behavior has the named method and will execute it if available.

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when an unknown method is being invoked.

public mixed __call ( $name, $params )
$name string

The method name

$params array

Method parameters

return mixed

The method return value

throws yii\base\UnknownMethodException

when calling unknown method

                public function __call($name, $params)
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $object) {
        if ($object->hasMethod($name)) {
            return call_user_func_array([$object, $name], $params);
    throw new UnknownMethodException('Calling unknown method: ' . get_class($this) . "::$name()");

__clone() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__clone()

This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one.

It removes all behaviors because they are attached to the old object.

public void __clone ( )

                public function __clone()
    $this->_events = [];
    $this->_eventWildcards = [];
    $this->_behaviors = null;

__construct() public method


public void __construct ( $id, $parent null, $config = [] )
$id string

The ID of this module.

$parent yii\base\Module|null

The parent module (if any).

$config array

Name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties.

                public function __construct($id, $parent = null, $config = [])
    $this->id = $id;
    $this->module = $parent;

__get() public method

Defined in: yii\di\ServiceLocator::__get()

Getter magic method.

This method is overridden to support accessing components like reading properties.

public mixed __get ( $name )
$name string

Component or property name

return mixed

The named property value

                public function __get($name)
    if ($this->has($name)) {
        return $this->get($name);
    return parent::__get($name);

__isset() public method

Defined in: yii\di\ServiceLocator::__isset()

Checks if a property value is null.

This method overrides the parent implementation by checking if the named component is loaded.

public boolean __isset ( $name )
$name string

The property name or the event name

return boolean

Whether the property value is null

                public function __isset($name)
    if ($this->has($name)) {
        return true;
    return parent::__isset($name);

__set() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__set()

Sets the value of a component property.

This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:

  • a property defined by a setter: set the property value
  • an event in the format of "on xyz": attach the handler to the event "xyz"
  • a behavior in the format of "as xyz": attach the behavior named as "xyz"
  • a property of a behavior: set the behavior property value

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing $component->property = $value;.

See also __get().

public void __set ( $name, $value )
$name string

The property name or the event name

$value mixed

The property value

throws yii\base\UnknownPropertyException

if the property is not defined

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

if the property is read-only.

                public function __set($name, $value)
    $setter = 'set' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
        // set property
    } elseif (strncmp($name, 'on ', 3) === 0) {
        // on event: attach event handler
        $this->on(trim(substr($name, 3)), $value);
    } elseif (strncmp($name, 'as ', 3) === 0) {
        // as behavior: attach behavior
        $name = trim(substr($name, 3));
        $this->attachBehavior($name, $value instanceof Behavior ? $value : Yii::createObject($value));
    // behavior property
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
        if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name)) {
            $behavior->$name = $value;
    if (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name)) {
        throw new InvalidCallException('Setting read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
    throw new UnknownPropertyException('Setting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

__unset() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::__unset()

Sets a component property to be null.

This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:

  • a property defined by a setter: set the property value to be null
  • a property of a behavior: set the property value to be null

Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when executing unset($component->property).

See also

public void __unset ( $name )
$name string

The property name

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

if the property is read only.

                public function __unset($name)
    $setter = 'set' . $name;
    if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
    // behavior property
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
        if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name)) {
            $behavior->$name = null;
    throw new InvalidCallException('Unsetting an unknown or read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);

afterAction() public method

This method is invoked right after an action within this module is executed.

The method will trigger the EVENT_AFTER_ACTION event. The return value of the method will be used as the action return value.

If you override this method, your code should look like the following:

public function afterAction($action, $result)
    $result = parent::afterAction($action, $result);
    // your custom code here
    return $result;
public mixed afterAction ( $action, $result )
$action yii\base\Action

The action just executed.

$result mixed

The action return result.

return mixed

The processed action result.

                public function afterAction($action, $result)
    $event = new ActionEvent($action);
    $event->result = $result;
    $this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_ACTION, $event);
    return $event->result;

attachBehavior() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::attachBehavior()

Attaches a behavior to this component.

This method will create the behavior object based on the given configuration. After that, the behavior object will be attached to this component by calling the yii\base\Behavior::attach() method.

See also detachBehavior().

public yii\base\Behavior attachBehavior ( $name, $behavior )
$name string

The name of the behavior.

$behavior string|array|yii\base\Behavior

The behavior configuration. This can be one of the following:

return yii\base\Behavior

The behavior object

                public function attachBehavior($name, $behavior)
    return $this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);

attachBehaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::attachBehaviors()

Attaches a list of behaviors to the component.

Each behavior is indexed by its name and should be a yii\base\Behavior object, a string specifying the behavior class, or an configuration array for creating the behavior.

See also attachBehavior().

public void attachBehaviors ( $behaviors )
$behaviors array

List of behaviors to be attached to the component

                public function attachBehaviors($behaviors)
    foreach ($behaviors as $name => $behavior) {
        $this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);

beforeAction() public method

This method is invoked right before an action within this module is executed.

The method will trigger the EVENT_BEFORE_ACTION event. The return value of the method will determine whether the action should continue to run.

In case the action should not run, the request should be handled inside of the beforeAction code by either providing the necessary output or redirecting the request. Otherwise the response will be empty.

If you override this method, your code should look like the following:

public function beforeAction($action)
    if (!parent::beforeAction($action)) {
        return false;

    // your custom code here

    return true; // or false to not run the action
public boolean beforeAction ( $action )
$action yii\base\Action

The action to be executed.

return boolean

Whether the action should continue to be executed.

                public function beforeAction($action)
    $event = new ActionEvent($action);
    $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_ACTION, $event);
    return $event->isValid;

behaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::behaviors()

Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as.

Child classes may override this method to specify the behaviors they want to behave as.

The return value of this method should be an array of behavior objects or configurations indexed by behavior names. A behavior configuration can be either a string specifying the behavior class or an array of the following structure:

'behaviorName' => [
    'class' => 'BehaviorClass',
    'property1' => 'value1',
    'property2' => 'value2',

Note that a behavior class must extend from yii\base\Behavior. Behaviors can be attached using a name or anonymously. When a name is used as the array key, using this name, the behavior can later be retrieved using getBehavior() or be detached using detachBehavior(). Anonymous behaviors can not be retrieved or detached.

Behaviors declared in this method will be attached to the component automatically (on demand).

public array behaviors ( )
return array

The behavior configurations.

                public function behaviors()
    return [];

canGetProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::canGetProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.

A property can be read if:

  • the class has a getter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);
  • an attached behavior has a readable property of the given name (when $checkBehaviors is true).

See also canSetProperty().

public boolean canGetProperty ( $name, $checkVars true, $checkBehaviors true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

$checkBehaviors boolean

Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component

return boolean

Whether the property can be read

                public function canGetProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
    if (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name)) {
        return true;
    } elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
        foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
            if ($behavior->canGetProperty($name, $checkVars)) {
                return true;
    return false;

canSetProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::canSetProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.

A property can be written if:

  • the class has a setter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);
  • an attached behavior has a writable property of the given name (when $checkBehaviors is true).

See also canGetProperty().

public boolean canSetProperty ( $name, $checkVars true, $checkBehaviors true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

$checkBehaviors boolean

Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component

return boolean

Whether the property can be written

                public function canSetProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
    if (method_exists($this, 'set' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name)) {
        return true;
    } elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
        foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
            if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name, $checkVars)) {
                return true;
    return false;

className() public static method
Deprecated since 2.0.14. On PHP >=5.5, use ::class instead.

Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::className()

Returns the fully qualified name of this class.

public static string className ( )
return string

The fully qualified name of this class.

                public static function className()
    return get_called_class();

clear() public method

Defined in: yii\di\ServiceLocator::clear()

Removes the component from the locator.

public void clear ( $id )
$id string

The component ID

                public function clear($id)
    unset($this->_definitions[$id], $this->_components[$id]);

createController() public method

Creates a controller instance based on the given route.

The route should be relative to this module. The method implements the following algorithm to resolve the given route:

  1. If the route is empty, use $defaultRoute;
  2. If the first segment of the route is found in $controllerMap, create a controller based on the corresponding configuration found in $controllerMap;
  3. If the first segment of the route is a valid module ID as declared in $modules, call the module's createController() with the rest part of the route;
  4. The given route is in the format of abc/def/xyz. Try either abc\DefController or abc\def\XyzController class within the controller namespace.

If any of the above steps resolves into a controller, it is returned together with the rest part of the route which will be treated as the action ID. Otherwise, false will be returned.

public array|boolean createController ( $route )
$route string

The route consisting of module, controller and action IDs.

return array|boolean

If the controller is created successfully, it will be returned together with the requested action ID. Otherwise false will be returned.

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException

if the controller class and its file do not match.

                public function createController($route)
    if ($route === '') {
        $route = $this->defaultRoute;
    // double slashes or leading/ending slashes may cause substr problem
    $route = trim($route, '/');
    if (strpos($route, '//') !== false) {
        return false;
    if (strpos($route, '/') !== false) {
        list($id, $route) = explode('/', $route, 2);
    } else {
        $id = $route;
        $route = '';
    // module and controller map take precedence
    if (isset($this->controllerMap[$id])) {
        $controller = Yii::createObject($this->controllerMap[$id], [$id, $this]);
        return [$controller, $route];
    $module = $this->getModule($id);
    if ($module !== null) {
        return $module->createController($route);
    if (($pos = strrpos($route, '/')) !== false) {
        $id .= '/' . substr($route, 0, $pos);
        $route = substr($route, $pos + 1);
    $controller = $this->createControllerByID($id);
    if ($controller === null && $route !== '') {
        $controller = $this->createControllerByID($id . '/' . $route);
        $route = '';
    return $controller === null ? false : [$controller, $route];

createControllerByID() public method

Creates a controller based on the given controller ID.

The controller ID is relative to this module. The controller class should be namespaced under $controllerNamespace.

Note that this method does not check $modules or $controllerMap.

public yii\base\Controller|null createControllerByID ( $id )
$id string

The controller ID.

return yii\base\Controller|null

The newly created controller instance, or null if the controller ID is invalid.

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException

if the controller class and its file name do not match. This exception is only thrown when in debug mode.

                public function createControllerByID($id)
    $pos = strrpos($id, '/');
    if ($pos === false) {
        $prefix = '';
        $className = $id;
    } else {
        $prefix = substr($id, 0, $pos + 1);
        $className = substr($id, $pos + 1);
    if ($this->isIncorrectClassNameOrPrefix($className, $prefix)) {
        return null;
    $className = preg_replace_callback('%-([a-z0-9_])%i', function ($matches) {
            return ucfirst($matches[1]);
    }, ucfirst($className)) . 'Controller';
    $className = ltrim($this->controllerNamespace . '\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', $prefix) . $className, '\\');
    if (strpos($className, '-') !== false || !class_exists($className)) {
        return null;
    if (is_subclass_of($className, 'yii\base\Controller')) {
        $controller = Yii::createObject($className, [$id, $this]);
        return get_class($controller) === $className ? $controller : null;
    } elseif (YII_DEBUG) {
        throw new InvalidConfigException('Controller class must extend from \\yii\\base\\Controller.');
    return null;

defaultVersion() protected method (available since version 2.0.11)

Returns default module version.

Child class may override this method to provide more specific version detection.

protected string defaultVersion ( )
return string

The version of this module.

                protected function defaultVersion()
    if ($this->module === null) {
        return '1.0';
    return $this->module->getVersion();

detachBehavior() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::detachBehavior()

Detaches a behavior from the component.

The behavior's yii\base\Behavior::detach() method will be invoked.

public yii\base\Behavior|null detachBehavior ( $name )
$name string

The behavior's name.

return yii\base\Behavior|null

The detached behavior. Null if the behavior does not exist.

                public function detachBehavior($name)
    if (isset($this->_behaviors[$name])) {
        $behavior = $this->_behaviors[$name];
        return $behavior;
    return null;

detachBehaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::detachBehaviors()

Detaches all behaviors from the component.

public void detachBehaviors ( )

                public function detachBehaviors()
    foreach ($this->_behaviors as $name => $behavior) {

ensureBehaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::ensureBehaviors()

Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component.

public void ensureBehaviors ( )

                public function ensureBehaviors()
    if ($this->_behaviors === null) {
        $this->_behaviors = [];
        foreach ($this->behaviors() as $name => $behavior) {
            $this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);

get() public method

Returns the component instance with the specified ID.

Since version 2.0.13, if a component isn't defined in the module, it will be looked up in the parent module. The parent module may be the application.

public object|null get ( $id, $throwException true )
$id string

Component ID (e.g. db).

$throwException boolean

Whether to throw an exception if $id is not registered with the locator before.

return object|null

The component of the specified ID. If $throwException is false and $id is not registered before, null will be returned.

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException

if $id refers to a nonexistent component ID

                public function get($id, $throwException = true)
    if (!isset($this->module)) {
        return parent::get($id, $throwException);
    $component = parent::get($id, false);
    if ($component === null) {
        $component = $this->module->get($id, $throwException);
    return $component;

getBasePath() public method

Returns the root directory of the module.

It defaults to the directory containing the module class file.

public string getBasePath ( )
return string

The root directory of the module.

                public function getBasePath()
    if ($this->_basePath === null) {
        $class = new \ReflectionClass($this);
        $this->_basePath = dirname($class->getFileName());
    return $this->_basePath;

getBehavior() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::getBehavior()

Returns the named behavior object.

public yii\base\Behavior|null getBehavior ( $name )
$name string

The behavior name

return yii\base\Behavior|null

The behavior object, or null if the behavior does not exist

                public function getBehavior($name)
    return isset($this->_behaviors[$name]) ? $this->_behaviors[$name] : null;

getBehaviors() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::getBehaviors()

Returns all behaviors attached to this component.

public yii\base\Behavior[] getBehaviors ( )
return yii\base\Behavior[]

List of behaviors attached to this component

                public function getBehaviors()
    return $this->_behaviors;

getComponents() public method

Defined in: yii\di\ServiceLocator::getComponents()

Returns the list of the component definitions or the loaded component instances.

public array getComponents ( $returnDefinitions true )
$returnDefinitions boolean

Whether to return component definitions instead of the loaded component instances.

return array

The list of the component definitions or the loaded component instances (ID => definition or instance).

                public function getComponents($returnDefinitions = true)
    return $returnDefinitions ? $this->_definitions : $this->_components;

getControllerPath() public method

Returns the directory that contains the controller classes according to $controllerNamespace.

Note that in order for this method to return a value, you must define an alias for the root namespace of $controllerNamespace.

public string getControllerPath ( )
return string

The directory that contains the controller classes.

throws yii\base\InvalidArgumentException

if there is no alias defined for the root namespace of $controllerNamespace.

                public function getControllerPath()
    if ($this->_controllerPath === null) {
        $this->_controllerPath = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->controllerNamespace));
    return $this->_controllerPath;

getInstance() public static method

Returns the currently requested instance of this module class.

If the module class is not currently requested, null will be returned. This method is provided so that you access the module instance from anywhere within the module.

public static static|null getInstance ( )
return yii\base\Module|null

The currently requested instance of this module class, or null if the module class is not requested.

                public static function getInstance()
    $class = get_called_class();
    return isset(Yii::$app->loadedModules[$class]) ? Yii::$app->loadedModules[$class] : null;

getLayoutPath() public method

Returns the directory that contains layout view files for this module.

public string getLayoutPath ( )
return string

The root directory of layout files. Defaults to "$viewPath/layouts".

                public function getLayoutPath()
    if ($this->_layoutPath === null) {
        $this->_layoutPath = $this->getViewPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts';
    return $this->_layoutPath;

getModule() public method

Retrieves the child module of the specified ID.

This method supports retrieving both child modules and grand child modules.

See also hasModule().

public yii\base\Module|null getModule ( $id, $load true )
$id string

Module ID (case-sensitive). To retrieve grand child modules, use ID path relative to this module (e.g. admin/content).

$load boolean

Whether to load the module if it is not yet loaded.

return yii\base\Module|null

The module instance, null if the module does not exist.

                public function getModule($id, $load = true)
    if (($pos = strpos($id, '/')) !== false) {
        // sub-module
        $module = $this->getModule(substr($id, 0, $pos));
        return $module === null ? null : $module->getModule(substr($id, $pos + 1), $load);
    if (isset($this->_modules[$id])) {
        if ($this->_modules[$id] instanceof self) {
            return $this->_modules[$id];
        } elseif ($load) {
            Yii::debug("Loading module: $id", __METHOD__);
            /* @var $module Module */
            $module = Yii::createObject($this->_modules[$id], [$id, $this]);
            return $this->_modules[$id] = $module;
    return null;

getModules() public method

Returns the sub-modules in this module.

public array getModules ( $loadedOnly false )
$loadedOnly boolean

Whether to return the loaded sub-modules only. If this is set false, then all sub-modules registered in this module will be returned, whether they are loaded or not. Loaded modules will be returned as objects, while unloaded modules as configuration arrays.

return array

The modules (indexed by their IDs).

                public function getModules($loadedOnly = false)
    if ($loadedOnly) {
        $modules = [];
        foreach ($this->_modules as $module) {
            if ($module instanceof self) {
                $modules[] = $module;
        return $modules;
    return $this->_modules;

getUniqueId() public method

Returns an ID that uniquely identifies this module among all modules within the current application.

Note that if the module is an application, an empty string will be returned.

public string getUniqueId ( )
return string

The unique ID of the module.

                public function getUniqueId()
    return $this->module ? ltrim($this->module->getUniqueId() . '/' . $this->id, '/') : $this->id;

getVersion() public method (available since version 2.0.11)

Returns current module version.

If version is not explicitly set, defaultVersion() method will be used to determine its value.

public string getVersion ( )
return string

The version of this module.

                public function getVersion()
    if ($this->_version === null) {
        $this->_version = $this->defaultVersion();
    } else {
        if (!is_scalar($this->_version)) {
            $this->_version = call_user_func($this->_version, $this);
    return $this->_version;

getViewPath() public method

Returns the directory that contains the view files for this module.

public string getViewPath ( )
return string

The root directory of view files. Defaults to "$basePath/views".

                public function getViewPath()
    if ($this->_viewPath === null) {
        $this->_viewPath = $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views';
    return $this->_viewPath;

has() public method

Returns a value indicating whether the locator has the specified component definition or has instantiated the component.

Since version 2.0.13, if a component isn't defined in the module, it will be looked up in the parent module. The parent module may be the application.

This method may return different results depending on the value of $checkInstance.

  • If $checkInstance is false (default), the method will return a value indicating whether the locator has the specified component definition.
  • If $checkInstance is true, the method will return a value indicating whether the locator has instantiated the specified component.
public boolean has ( $id, $checkInstance false )
$id string

Component ID (e.g. db).

$checkInstance boolean

Whether the method should check if the component is shared and instantiated.

return boolean

Whether the locator has the specified component definition or has instantiated the component.

                public function has($id, $checkInstance = false)
    return parent::has($id, $checkInstance) || (isset($this->module) && $this->module->has($id, $checkInstance));

hasEventHandlers() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasEventHandlers()

Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event.

public boolean hasEventHandlers ( $name )
$name string

The event name

return boolean

Whether there is any handler attached to the event.

                public function hasEventHandlers($name)
    if (!empty($this->_events[$name])) {
        return true;
    foreach ($this->_eventWildcards as $wildcard => $handlers) {
        if (!empty($handlers) && StringHelper::matchWildcard($wildcard, $name)) {
            return true;
    return Event::hasHandlers($this, $name);

hasMethod() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasMethod()

Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.

A method is defined if:

  • the class has a method with the specified name
  • an attached behavior has a method with the given name (when $checkBehaviors is true).
public boolean hasMethod ( $name, $checkBehaviors true )
$name string

The property name

$checkBehaviors boolean

Whether to treat behaviors' methods as methods of this component

return boolean

Whether the method is defined

                public function hasMethod($name, $checkBehaviors = true)
    if (method_exists($this, $name)) {
        return true;
    } elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
        foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
            if ($behavior->hasMethod($name)) {
                return true;
    return false;

hasModule() public method

Checks whether the child module of the specified ID exists.

This method supports checking the existence of both child and grand child modules.

public boolean hasModule ( $id )
$id string

Module ID. For grand child modules, use ID path relative to this module (e.g. admin/content).

return boolean

Whether the named module exists. Both loaded and unloaded modules are considered.

                public function hasModule($id)
    if (($pos = strpos($id, '/')) !== false) {
        // sub-module
        $module = $this->getModule(substr($id, 0, $pos));
        return $module === null ? false : $module->hasModule(substr($id, $pos + 1));
    return isset($this->_modules[$id]);

hasProperty() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasProperty()

Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component.

A property is defined if:

  • the class has a getter or setter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
  • the class has a member variable with the specified name (when $checkVars is true);
  • an attached behavior has a property of the given name (when $checkBehaviors is true).

See also:

public boolean hasProperty ( $name, $checkVars true, $checkBehaviors true )
$name string

The property name

$checkVars boolean

Whether to treat member variables as properties

$checkBehaviors boolean

Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component

return boolean

Whether the property is defined

                public function hasProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
    return $this->canGetProperty($name, $checkVars, $checkBehaviors) || $this->canSetProperty($name, false, $checkBehaviors);

init() public method

Initializes the module.

This method is called after the module is created and initialized with property values given in configuration. The default implementation will initialize $controllerNamespace if it is not set.

If you override this method, please make sure you call the parent implementation.

public void init ( )

                public function init()
    if ($this->controllerNamespace === null) {
        $class = get_class($this);
        if (($pos = strrpos($class, '\\')) !== false) {
            $this->controllerNamespace = substr($class, 0, $pos) . '\\controllers';

off() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::off()

Detaches an existing event handler from this component.

This method is the opposite of on().

Note: in case wildcard pattern is passed for event name, only the handlers registered with this wildcard will be removed, while handlers registered with plain names matching this wildcard will remain.

See also on().

public boolean off ( $name, $handler null )
$name string

Event name

$handler callable|null

The event handler to be removed. If it is null, all handlers attached to the named event will be removed.

return boolean

If a handler is found and detached

                public function off($name, $handler = null)
    if (empty($this->_events[$name]) && empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
        return false;
    if ($handler === null) {
        unset($this->_events[$name], $this->_eventWildcards[$name]);
        return true;
    $removed = false;
    // plain event names
    if (isset($this->_events[$name])) {
        foreach ($this->_events[$name] as $i => $event) {
            if ($event[0] === $handler) {
                $removed = true;
        if ($removed) {
            $this->_events[$name] = array_values($this->_events[$name]);
            return true;
    // wildcard event names
    if (isset($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
        foreach ($this->_eventWildcards[$name] as $i => $event) {
            if ($event[0] === $handler) {
                $removed = true;
        if ($removed) {
            $this->_eventWildcards[$name] = array_values($this->_eventWildcards[$name]);
            // remove empty wildcards to save future redundant regex checks:
            if (empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
    return $removed;

on() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::on()

Attaches an event handler to an event.

The event handler must be a valid PHP callback. The following are some examples:

function ($event) { ... }         // anonymous function
[$object, 'handleClick']          // $object->handleClick()
['Page', 'handleClick']           // Page::handleClick()
'handleClick'                     // global function handleClick()

The event handler must be defined with the following signature,

function ($event)

where $event is an yii\base\Event object which includes parameters associated with the event.

Since 2.0.14 you can specify event name as a wildcard pattern:

$component->on('*', function ($event) {
    Yii::trace($event->name . ' is triggered.');

See also off().

public void on ( $name, $handler, $data null, $append true )
$name string

The event name

$handler callable

The event handler

$data mixed

The data to be passed to the event handler when the event is triggered. When the event handler is invoked, this data can be accessed via yii\base\Event::$data.

$append boolean

Whether to append new event handler to the end of the existing handler list. If false, the new handler will be inserted at the beginning of the existing handler list.

                public function on($name, $handler, $data = null, $append = true)
    if (strpos($name, '*') !== false) {
        if ($append || empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
            $this->_eventWildcards[$name][] = [$handler, $data];
        } else {
            array_unshift($this->_eventWildcards[$name], [$handler, $data]);
    if ($append || empty($this->_events[$name])) {
        $this->_events[$name][] = [$handler, $data];
    } else {
        array_unshift($this->_events[$name], [$handler, $data]);

runAction() public method

Runs a controller action specified by a route.

This method parses the specified route and creates the corresponding child module(s), controller and action instances. It then calls yii\base\Controller::runAction() to run the action with the given parameters. If the route is empty, the method will use $defaultRoute.

public mixed runAction ( $route, $params = [] )
$route string

The route that specifies the action.

$params array

The parameters to be passed to the action

return mixed

The result of the action.

throws yii\base\InvalidRouteException

if the requested route cannot be resolved into an action successfully.

                public function runAction($route, $params = [])
    $parts = $this->createController($route);
    if (is_array($parts)) {
        /* @var $controller Controller */
        list($controller, $actionID) = $parts;
        $oldController = Yii::$app->controller;
        Yii::$app->controller = $controller;
        $result = $controller->runAction($actionID, $params);
        if ($oldController !== null) {
            Yii::$app->controller = $oldController;
        return $result;
    $id = $this->getUniqueId();
    throw new InvalidRouteException('Unable to resolve the request "' . ($id === '' ? $route : $id . '/' . $route) . '".');

set() public method

Defined in: yii\di\ServiceLocator::set()

Registers a component definition with this locator.

For example,

// a class name
$locator->set('cache', 'yii\caching\FileCache');

// a configuration array
$locator->set('db', [
    'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=demo',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => '',
    'charset' => 'utf8',

// an anonymous function
$locator->set('cache', function ($params) {
    return new \yii\caching\FileCache;

// an instance
$locator->set('cache', new \yii\caching\FileCache);

If a component definition with the same ID already exists, it will be overwritten.

public void set ( $id, $definition )
$id string

Component ID (e.g. db).

$definition mixed

The component definition to be registered with this locator. It can be one of the following:

  • a class name
  • a configuration array: the array contains name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the property values of the newly created object when get() is called. The class element is required and stands for the the class of the object to be created.
  • a PHP callable: either an anonymous function or an array representing a class method (e.g. ['Foo', 'bar']). The callable will be called by get() to return an object associated with the specified component ID.
  • an object: When get() is called, this object will be returned.
throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException

if the definition is an invalid configuration array

                public function set($id, $definition)
    if ($definition === null) {
    if (is_object($definition) || is_callable($definition, true)) {
        // an object, a class name, or a PHP callable
        $this->_definitions[$id] = $definition;
    } elseif (is_array($definition)) {
        // a configuration array
        if (isset($definition['__class'])) {
            $this->_definitions[$id] = $definition;
            $this->_definitions[$id]['class'] = $definition['__class'];
        } elseif (isset($definition['class'])) {
            $this->_definitions[$id] = $definition;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidConfigException("The configuration for the \"$id\" component must contain a \"class\" element.");
    } else {
        throw new InvalidConfigException("Unexpected configuration type for the \"$id\" component: " . gettype($definition));

setAliases() public method

Defines path aliases.

This method calls Yii::setAlias() to register the path aliases. This method is provided so that you can define path aliases when configuring a module.

public void setAliases ( $aliases )
$aliases array

List of path aliases to be defined. The array keys are alias names (must start with @) and the array values are the corresponding paths or aliases. For example,

    '@models' => '@app/models', // an existing alias
    '@backend' => __DIR__ . '/../backend',  // a directory

                public function setAliases($aliases)
    foreach ($aliases as $name => $alias) {
        Yii::setAlias($name, $alias);

setBasePath() public method

Sets the root directory of the module.

This method can only be invoked at the beginning of the constructor.

public void setBasePath ( $path )
$path string

The root directory of the module. This can be either a directory name or a path alias.

throws yii\base\InvalidArgumentException

if the directory does not exist.

                public function setBasePath($path)
    $path = Yii::getAlias($path);
    $p = strncmp($path, 'phar://', 7) === 0 ? $path : realpath($path);
    if (is_string($p) && is_dir($p)) {
        $this->_basePath = $p;
    } else {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("The directory does not exist: $path");

setComponents() public method

Defined in: yii\di\ServiceLocator::setComponents()

Registers a set of component definitions in this locator.

This is the bulk version of set(). The parameter should be an array whose keys are component IDs and values the corresponding component definitions.

For more details on how to specify component IDs and definitions, please refer to set().

If a component definition with the same ID already exists, it will be overwritten.

The following is an example for registering two component definitions:

    'db' => [
        'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
        'dsn' => 'sqlite:path/to/file.db',
    'cache' => [
        'class' => 'yii\caching\DbCache',
        'db' => 'db',
public void setComponents ( $components )
$components array

Component definitions or instances

                public function setComponents($components)
    foreach ($components as $id => $component) {
        $this->set($id, $component);

setControllerPath() public method (available since version 2.0.44)

Sets the directory that contains the controller classes.

public void setControllerPath ( $path )
$path string

The root directory that contains the controller classes.

throws yii\base\InvalidArgumentException

if the directory is invalid.

                public function setControllerPath($path)
    $this->_controllerPath = Yii::getAlias($path);

setInstance() public static method

Sets the currently requested instance of this module class.

public static void setInstance ( $instance )
$instance yii\base\Module|null

The currently requested instance of this module class. If it is null, the instance of the calling class will be removed, if any.

                public static function setInstance($instance)
    if ($instance === null) {
    } else {
        Yii::$app->loadedModules[get_class($instance)] = $instance;

setLayoutPath() public method

Sets the directory that contains the layout files.

public void setLayoutPath ( $path )
$path string

The root directory or path alias of layout files.

throws yii\base\InvalidArgumentException

if the directory is invalid

                public function setLayoutPath($path)
    $this->_layoutPath = Yii::getAlias($path);

setModule() public method

Adds a sub-module to this module.

public void setModule ( $id, $module )
$id string

Module ID.

$module yii\base\Module|array|null

The sub-module to be added to this module. This can be one of the following:

  • a yii\base\Module object
  • a configuration array: when getModule() is called initially, the array will be used to instantiate the sub-module
  • null: the named sub-module will be removed from this module

                public function setModule($id, $module)
    if ($module === null) {
    } else {
        $this->_modules[$id] = $module;
        if ($module instanceof self) {
            $module->module = $this;

setModules() public method

Registers sub-modules in the current module.

Each sub-module should be specified as a name-value pair, where name refers to the ID of the module and value the module or a configuration array that can be used to create the module. In the latter case, Yii::createObject() will be used to create the module.

If a new sub-module has the same ID as an existing one, the existing one will be overwritten silently.

The following is an example for registering two sub-modules:

    'comment' => [
        'class' => 'app\modules\comment\CommentModule',
        'db' => 'db',
    'booking' => ['class' => 'app\modules\booking\BookingModule'],
public void setModules ( $modules )
$modules array

Modules (id => module configuration or instances).

                public function setModules($modules)
    foreach ($modules as $id => $module) {
        $this->_modules[$id] = $module;
        if ($module instanceof self) {
            $module->module = $this;

setVersion() public method (available since version 2.0.11)

Sets current module version.

public void setVersion ( $version )
$version string|callable|null

The version of this module. Version can be specified as a PHP callback, which can accept module instance as an argument and should return the actual version. For example:

function (Module $module) {
    //return string

                public function setVersion($version)
    $this->_version = $version;

setViewPath() public method

Sets the directory that contains the view files.

public void setViewPath ( $path )
$path string

The root directory of view files.

throws yii\base\InvalidArgumentException

if the directory is invalid.

                public function setViewPath($path)
    $this->_viewPath = Yii::getAlias($path);

trigger() public method

Defined in: yii\base\Component::trigger()

Triggers an event.

This method represents the happening of an event. It invokes all attached handlers for the event including class-level handlers.

public void trigger ( $name, yii\base\Event $event null )
$name string

The event name

$event yii\base\Event|null

The event instance. If not set, a default yii\base\Event object will be created.

                public function trigger($name, Event $event = null)
    $eventHandlers = [];
    foreach ($this->_eventWildcards as $wildcard => $handlers) {
        if (StringHelper::matchWildcard($wildcard, $name)) {
            $eventHandlers[] = $handlers;
    if (!empty($this->_events[$name])) {
        $eventHandlers[] = $this->_events[$name];
    if (!empty($eventHandlers)) {
        $eventHandlers = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $eventHandlers);
        if ($event === null) {
            $event = new Event();
        if ($event->sender === null) {
            $event->sender = $this;
        $event->handled = false;
        $event->name = $name;
        foreach ($eventHandlers as $handler) {
            $event->data = $handler[1];
            call_user_func($handler[0], $event);
            // stop further handling if the event is handled
            if ($event->handled) {
    // invoke class-level attached handlers
    Event::trigger($this, $name, $event);


Event Details

Hide inherited properties

EVENT_AFTER_ACTION event of type yii\base\ActionEvent

An event raised after executing a controller action.

EVENT_BEFORE_ACTION event of type yii\base\ActionEvent

An event raised before executing a controller action. You may set yii\base\ActionEvent::$isValid to be false to cancel the action execution.